Eid-Adha Quiz (E-Portfolio)
Sunday, August 18, 2019 3:56 PM | Written by Aina 0 comments
Assalamualaikum, Hi I'm back with another E-portfolio! this short semester i took usrah budi 4 and Financial Management. This time Usrah Budi was quite hectic i mean their assesment. We need to complete them within 7 weeks and as expected, we need to do this budi programme eventhough we are in short semester. After discussed with my classmates what we planned to do, we finally decided we wanted to do this short simple quiz. The quiz was simple. First of all, i want to tell you guys what was our objective for making this quiz. Since we were going to celebrate Eid Adha on 11th August, so for the first one to acknowledge about Qurban between IIUM students. Next, to enhance communication skills. In my opinion, Usrah Budi is not something bad, its a platform for us to improve our communication skills especially when it comes to presentation.Lastly, to instill creative and critical thinking inside students through the modules. Okay, thats all for objectives. Before that, the instruction for this quiz was easy where people can choose from 1-19 (the number is question we made about Qurban) and when they choose any number, we then asked the question. And if its correct we give them lots of candies!

D-DAY! 😃

That's me and my friends.

On that day, we have to gather at Hs Cafe at 9a.m, and there is briefing from pc about our programme. After that, we sit in group. My team went to the student mall. We asked some questions to random people at Student Mall. The example for the questions we ask like

What is the sunnah for person who perform qurban?
What are the animals that can be slaughtered?
Who should celebrate Eid Adha?
Can people who perform Hajj also perform Qurban?
What is the significance of the day before eid adha?
How we celebrate Eid Adha?
and many more! 

What i have got from budi programme for this time is, to remember an event in the life of Ibrahim, which is the Arabic name for Abraham. The Quran tells the story of how Ibrahim was commanded by God to take his son, Ismail, to the mountain top and there to sacrifice him to Allah. Allah wanted Ibrahim to prove to him that he truly was obedient. Ibrahim took his son to the mountain with a very heavy heart. He built a fire. He bound Ismail. As he was about to kill his son, Allah sent Jibril, a messenger angel, to stop him. He brought the message that by being obedient, Ibrahim had truly made a sacrifice. Muslim people gather in the Mosque to remember Ibrahim’s sacrifice. They gather in their homes later to feast and to share gifts. 

&what i got from Usrah budi 4 was how we managed our time with those assesment in a short time. It's very important for us to take manage our time well because time is precious. They do not wait for you. 

Special thanks to Sis Faiza, our instractor for this semester. She taught me a lot of things during this usrah budi, a big thanks to my beloved classmates for the hard work! we did it yay! Thank you everyone <3333333333

 Our last picture together 💖

I'm only me. That is all I can be. No more, no less, dont second guess. I love, I live, I laugh, I cry. I've wished sometimes that I could die. Some days I'm funny, others I'm not, sometimes I'm in overdrive and I can't stop. You may not like me, but that's okay because this is me and how I'll stay.
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